Coordinator: Fr. David Hyatt (frdavidhyatt@gmail.com)
Join us the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month for our Inquirer's Class, Journey to Fullness.
"Journey to Fullness" is a 16-episode video series created by Fr. Barnabas Powell through Ancient Faith Ministries, designed to introduce inquirers to the Orthodox Christian Faith. Though it was made with inquirers in mind, all can benefit from this video series - regardless of whether they have lived their entire lives in the Church or are encountering her for the first time. The goal of this class is to give everyone who takes it an opportunity to journey deeper into the fullness that is the Orthodox Christian Faith - whether that means seeing something they know well with new eyes, or seeing something that is timeless for the first time. Class begins on September 24th after the Divine Liturgy.
Journey to Fullness 1 - Is this Trip Really Necessary?
Journey to Fullness 2 - What Is the Orthodox Church?
Journey to Fullness 3 - When Did Orthodoxy Begin?
Journey to Fullness 4 - Characteristics of Orthodox Christianity
Journey to Fullness 5 - Mindset Matters
Journey to Fullness 6 - A Healing Purpose
Journey to Fullness 7 - Truth and Tradition
Journey to Fullness 8 - How Do I Understand the Bible?
Journey to Fullness 9 - When We Say God Part 1
Journey to Fullness 10 - When We Say God Part 2
Journey to Fullness 11 - God With Us
Journey to Fullness 12 - Our Ultimate Purpose
Journey to Fullness 13 - Salvation as Participation
Journey to Fullness 14 - Orthodox Worship
Journey to Fullness 15 - A Beautiful Rhythm
Journey to Fullness 16 - The Journey Continues